A Coalition Fulfilling The Great Commission
Join us in bringing the hope of the gospel to the hardest places.
3 Billion People Live on Less Than $2.50/Day
Millions are living in resource-poor and remote places. Many in our poorest communities are suffering from abuse, trauma, addictions, and mental health challenges. We believe that the most effective mercy ministry is a healthy local church, but most of the world’s poorest communities lack access to such churches.
Churches that do exist in deprived communities are often preaching a false gospel. Church leaders from poor and forgotten places cannot find theologically robust training. Pastors often feel alone and poorly supported. Churches are struggling to thrive, and disciples are not being made.
22,000 Children
Die each day due to poverty (Unicef)
1.3 Billion People
Live in extreme poverty (less than $1.25/Day)
Reaching the world’s most impoverished and hard-to-reach places requires a collective effort.
That's why we've formed a coalition between like-minded ministries, each with a shared desire to advance the church in these contexts. Our coalition includes organizations such as 20schemes of Scotland, Mile One Mission of Canada, Practical Shepherding, and Church in Hard Places.
With years of experience in resourcing, training, and supporting church leaders, each member brings unique expertise and dedication to our collective mission.
We provide comprehensive support for pastors, planters, and other church leaders from poor, remote, or marginalized communities worldwide. Our focus is on delivering theologically robust training and resources tailored to the specific needs of church leaders working in challenging contexts.
35 Countries
and 8 Languages
300 Pastors & Planters
Being Trained
100 Pastors & Their Wifes
Receiving Care
500,000 People
Gaining Access to Healthy Churches
Strengthening local churches. Supporting church leaders.
We train men and women to be sent out to deprived and marginalized places around the world. Through our ministry internships, church planter assessments, and residential training programs, we equip individuals to become effective church planters and women's ministry leaders.
The Church in Hard Places Apprenticeship program is a two-year non-residential training designed by and for church leaders from marginalized and deprived communities. Available in six language groups and spanning across 35 countries, this apprenticeship program is making a global impact.
Practical Shepherding leads the way in providing holistic care and support to pastors, planters, women’s ministry leaders, and their families. Through church revitalization cohorts, pastoral counseling, mentoring services, and spiritual renewal retreats at “Shepherd’s House” locations, we empower church leaders to thrive in their ministry.
By partnering with Advancing the Church (ATC), you’re supporting all of these ministries equally. Join us in prayer, generosity, and active participation as we work together to bring hope, healing, and transformation to the hard places of the world.